Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Mindfulness Facilitator, Writer, Author.

Transitions – navigating uncertain times

Wherever you stand, or choose not to stand at all, in relation to Brexit, Trump, the rise of nationalism, the acceleration of AI (artificial intelligence), the proliferation of VR (virtual reality), gender wars, race riots, the growing inequality gap…. the jitters in the air is palpable, close to home and beyond.   Pretty much everyone…

Self(ie) Improvement

Let’s peel away the filters and ask… what is really happening in the world of wellness? What is wellbeing today in the society I see, work and operate in? And what is really happening within me? I am at once both witnessing and participating in the outer and inner craziness that is the… self-improvement age we…

The Beauty of Concentration

  Distraction, distraction, everywhere, and not a drop to sink (in). No-one likes exams, at least I don’t think they do? And yet, I catch myself nowadays almost (almost) remembering with fondness the days of being holed up swotting for an exam, especially that night before when confronted with a lever arch file bursting with…

Mind Body Connection

We are a society more aware than at any other time in history of our capacity to look after our own health. But we are also at the beginning of learning how to empower ourselves from the inside out. A combination of the mass explosion of the wellbeing industry, public campaigns and multiple channels to…