How to Practice in the Holidays

How to Practice in the Holidays: Whether you are home, or away, the summer holiday season pulls us off kilter. We’re all susceptible (understandably) to having routines that keep us healthy impacted, loosened or let go of. Here are 3 Ways you can Keep Practising Daily to keep your mind, body and spirit balanced in…

What happened after my meditation retreat

I got back to London last night, after 10 days’ away. A few of those days were road tripping through Dorset, in the South West of England – I enjoyed that very much. I think the place I’m most at home in is: in the driver’s seat of a car while on an open road.…

Just Living

“My Dad worked for 30 years for an insurance company, going in, day in and day out, giving his time and energy to someone else just to support us – his family. I don’t want to make that mistake” – so shared James Smith, the world’s fastest growing online personal trainer, last week in a…

How to be confident – and why it matters

When I was at Uni, studying English literature, the only ones to graduate with a First were the only two males in our year group. Coincidence? I never thought it was. While the personalities of the two guys on our course were completely different from each other: one introverted and quiet, the other extroverted and…