a photograph of people who work in the city of London meditating

5 Ways to embrace the Yoga tradition in your Modern Yoga Practice

Do you, as a yoga student or teacher, ever wonder: how much of modern yoga, or the yoga I do, bear connection to the Yoga tradition or roots of the practice? There is I guess behind that, the question of whether it matters if what people are practising today and calling yoga bears connection to…

What happened after my meditation retreat

I got back to London last night, after 10 days’ away. A few of those days were road tripping through Dorset, in the South West of England – I enjoyed that very much. I think the place I’m most at home in is: in the driver’s seat of a car while on an open road.…

Come as you are – how live online classes connect us

How are things, are you still feeling summer vibes? We had a good run of sunshine here in the UK. I sense corona fatigue out there, or people busy and needing to get on with it and the adaptation to changes. We humans are incredible that way. Some of you may have had losses. I’m sorry, really…

Change is what you make it

With things changing (seasons, consciousness, rallies, PMs) and yet not changing (cyclical habits, clinging onto old values, that Referendum), do you ever wonder where you stand in it all? Having a centre, a core within ourselves, has never been more needed as we are exposed to more information (factual and manipulated) and at a greater flow rate. So many are…

Yoga is not meant to be fun

There is popular article in this weekend’s Guardian newspaper, based on a report that says young people are shunning hedonism for… yoga and wellness. There’s been a huge growth in festivals embracing wellness, wellbeing events and celebrities turning their life around and then launching books and podcasts “telling us” how to be well and happy.…

Tips for Beginners to Yoga

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job as a teacher is witnessing a person pursuing the practice in defiance of whatever obstacles (mental or physical, usually both together) get in the way of that. Things like ‘I’m too stiff’, ‘I can’t make the time’, ‘I have too many responsibilities’, ‘my mind won’t keep…

Meditation Myth Busters

Meditation Myth Busters Ok, let’s do this. Let’s bust the myths flying around out there about meditation. Myth Buster: We’re all meditating Technically, meditation is a word that refers to when you’re in the state of meditation. When we sit, or pause or lie down (yes that’s allowed) to meditate, what we are really doing…

New Year Reflection on Purpose, Power and Love

The more I do Yoga, the more I question what this yoga thing is about. When I learn and succeed at something I’ve learnt, I wonder who decided at what point that knowledge was ready to be applied and at what bar it is then deemed ‘a success’. Each time I’ve truly fallen in love,…

Yoga in airports? Another way to find distraction

Someone just sent me a link about ‘yoga rooms’ in airports, a well intentioned share from an acquaintance who thought I’d be cheered by this.   No. Am not.   The proliferation of yoga, everywhere and in any form, are like clouds covering the sun.   This isn’t a judgemental view based on keeping yoga…