a photograph of people who work in the city of London meditating

5 Ways to embrace the Yoga tradition in your Modern Yoga Practice

Do you, as a yoga student or teacher, ever wonder: how much of modern yoga, or the yoga I do, bear connection to the Yoga tradition or roots of the practice? There is I guess behind that, the question of whether it matters if what people are practising today and calling yoga bears connection to…

Happy versus Happiness - ingredients for happiness

Happiness is not being Happy – & the 7 ingredients for having happiness in your life

If there’s one question I really don’t like and never liked it’s: “Are you happy?” Podcasters and lifestyle experts have joined the legion of psychologists of our time to bring to the forefront of our attention the question, “am I happy?”. Combine this with the massive rise in talking about mental health, the question and…

Living a Whole Life

We all want more positive, less negative, in our life and in our mind. We all have feelings and thoughts; we have ups and downs – and the share of each isn’t necessarily fairly distributed from person to person. How do we live a whole life that is capable of managing positive and negative, ups…

Come as you are – how live online classes connect us

How are things, are you still feeling summer vibes? We had a good run of sunshine here in the UK. I sense corona fatigue out there, or people busy and needing to get on with it and the adaptation to changes. We humans are incredible that way. Some of you may have had losses. I’m sorry, really…

Take 5 – five simple ways to connect back into the present

One of the buzz phrases of our current time is ‘live in the now’. I think Eckhart Tolle, the gazillion dollar best selling author of the book The Power of Now, has a contribution to that. Plus the rise of the self-help industry and the social media life-take over has meant we are constantly bombarded…

A Beautiful Mind

Yesterday, the skies were crystal clear and the sun beat down on us all day in London town, turning the city golden for a whole afternoon before the sun set. Today… ha, what an entirely different ‘world’… parts of the country battered by a cyclone and the rest of the land (including this capital city)…

2020 – Rediscovery of Who You Are

I’ve seen more in protest against making new year resolutions than in promoting them this year. When the internet burst on the scene, making it easy as pie to tell the world what to do/think/be, come the cusp of a new year there was an even greater buzz around resolutions, people sharing their objectives and…

Do you see You or do you see Me?

When you meet someone for the first time, how much of your view about them is based on who they are and how much of it is based on who you are?   When you’ve known someone a while, how much of how you are in the relationship is based on what you expect a relationship…

Change is what you make it

With things changing (seasons, consciousness, rallies, PMs) and yet not changing (cyclical habits, clinging onto old values, that Referendum), do you ever wonder where you stand in it all? Having a centre, a core within ourselves, has never been more needed as we are exposed to more information (factual and manipulated) and at a greater flow rate. So many are…

New Year Reflection on Purpose, Power and Love

The more I do Yoga, the more I question what this yoga thing is about. When I learn and succeed at something I’ve learnt, I wonder who decided at what point that knowledge was ready to be applied and at what bar it is then deemed ‘a success’. Each time I’ve truly fallen in love,…